arrayForth™ Releases

We have decided to make our internal software development tools available free of charge. These tools, collectively called arrayForth, are all based on colorForth. Actually, all of our tools, including our entire CAD system that is used in all phases of chip design and definition, are based on colorForth; for obvious reasons, we are not releasing this CAD system nor the actual chip definitions.

This decision was made only after extensive soul searching. colorForth and arrayForth are both very much alive and are continually improved to serve our needs. There are no Standards to comply with except those of simplicity and usefulness, and changes are done upward compatibly only when all other things are equal, which is not always the case. Thus its character is more that of clay than of granite. Nevertheless, arrayForth will always be the ultimate standard body of software for working with out chips, and so we owe it to our customers to make it available to them.

This software is made available to you for the express purpose of facilitating your successful use of our chips. By accepting it, you agree that we make no warranty of suitability or correctness, no guarantee of future maintenance, and no guarantee of upward compatibility; and you agree that you will use it at your own risk. You also agree that if you make any changes to the software, or derivative works based on the software, you will clearly identify it as being altered or derived; you must identify and label any such software by names of your choice other than our trademarked names such as arrayForth. Constructive suggestions are welcome, but the decision of what is done with colorForth and arrayForth is entirely our own.

Otherwise, you may make as many copies of the software as you wish, and you may distribute it without any changes whatsoever to whomever you wish. Any changes you might make to the software, any works you may derive from it, and any software you develop for our chips using it, are entirely your property to do with as you please so long as you respect our trademarks as noted above. For example, if you create an enhanced version of arrayForth and wish to market it under your own name as a different product, that is your right.

Problems with our software may be reported by e-mail to our Hotline. Personal support, assistance, and training are available for a fee; please contact Sales for pricing and payment options.

Read the Introduction to arrayForth for more information.

The current releases of arrayForth are chip specific, including correct g18 compiler, ROM source code, and softsim correctly configured for that chip. Once a chip has emerged from the foundry and been tested, Interactive Debugging Environment support is included as well. Click a link below to download the desired version:

Of course, there is no reason why you could not create your own software development environment. The hardware interface, ROM code, and boot protocols of each chip are well documented for this purpose.